Sunday, May 8, 2016

Why Mothers Choose Homeopathy

There are a lot of reasons why people decide to try homeopathy. If each reason was a coin, a few piles would be the richest. But the richest of all, is the pile from mothers.

Hoping mothers-to-be can find success in constitutional treatment for issues of infertility...

Mothers may meet homeopathy when their midwives introduce them to this medicine, that is gentle and safe for pregnancy...

Laboring mothers move through slow labors, fear, vomiting, or stopped labors with the rapid efficiency of a well chosen remedy...

Breastfeeding mothers find relief from mastitis, low milk supply, over milk supply, and soreness from delivery (vaginal or caesarean) from appropriate remedies...

Mothers find homeopathic remedies to soothe the tricky colic of crying babies...

Babies and toddlers find relief from teething pain, coughs and colds, fevers and night-terrors...

Some mothers discover the use of homeopathic remedies to educate the immune system gently with homeoprophylaxis, as an alternative to traditional vaccines...

Mothers can soothe themselves from post-partum depression, overwhelm, anxiety and stress with constitutional care...

Mother's find that homeopathic care can greatly assist their children with autism or asperger's syndrome, in some cases reversing their symptoms...

Children receive relief from anxiety or labels from school (ADD, ADHD) without the use of prescription medication with good constitutional care....

They bounce back from sports injuries and the scrapes of childhood with remedies applied for first aid... 

Teens receive welcome emotional support from well-chosen remedies as they navigate the shifting waters of adolescence...

Mothers are empowered to treat their families naturally and gently at home, avoiding unnecessary antibiotics and trips to the doctor or ER, learning to trust their children's immune system and capacity to heal with homeopathic support...

Mother-Earth feels the gentleness of homeopathy's footprint on the earth- no pharmaceuticals or chemicals dumped in city water systems and cruel testing on animals....

To be sure, all individuals who find and choose homeopathy can find these benefits for themselves and their families, parents or no. But in my experience, its the mothers who are looking for the peaceful alternatives, the ge
ntle paths to support their children in being the best of who they are.

Here's to the mothers, and their role in bringing homeopathy to the next generation!

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